Nonbillable Records

Click here for a video on Non-Billable Records

Non-Billable Records

Work that you do when you’re not supporting an individual, such as a group or one-on-one meeting with your division leadership, should be entered in Setworks as non-billable activity records. If you’re not sure whether something should be entered as a non-billable record, please ask your manager.


The easiest way to create the record is to use the calendar on your home page: 

  • Navigate to the date of the meeting and click on the time that it started. 

  • A menu will appear, asking what kind of record you want to create. Choose “Non-Billable Staff Only.”


  • A record will open (screenshot on next page)

  • Select your department (it may be set for you, but you can change it if needed).

  • Select the non-billable type.

  • In the justification box, enter a description of the meeting or work done.

  • Make sure the from and to times are correct, and also the date.

  • If you’re unsure what to put for any of these, please ask your manager or the person who organized the meeting.

  • When the record details are complete, press save and sign and enter your PIN.


If you realize later that something was incorrect, you can reopen the record and make changes at any point until a manager has signed it. If you make changes, you will need to sign it again.