Your Setworks Profile

Your Setworks Profile

Viewing Your Profile

To view your profile in Setworks, click the Staff Management icon at the top right (next to your name).

Your profile is visible to you, managers in your department(s), human resources, and other administrators. It is not visible to your colleagues who are not in management.



The main page (Details) shows your personal info and profile photo.  See below for info on editing your profile.



At the very bottom of the details page, under Trainings/Certifications/Reviews, you will find the list of training and documentation that you may be due for. The Expiration Date column here is what can cause you to be locked out. The date you last completed each item may be in the Notes column for technical reasons.

The image below is an example of what a Setworks profile looks like.

Editing Your Profile

To edit your profile in Setworks, click the Settings icon, which is near the Log Out button. Then click Edit My Profile, which is the first button on the Settings screen. It's strongly recommended to do this on a larger screen like a computer or tablet; the layout doesn't adapt well to a phone screen.


Profile Picture

The picture is at the top of the Additional Information box, which is typically in the right-hand column on the editing screen. To update the picture:


Below: selected image, ready to upload



Personal Information

This is not your official employment record (that's in a different system), so you don't need to enter your social security number or other sensitive information. The only things that are required here are:

You can enter any other details about yourself that you want. (Longer drop-down lists sometimes get cut off at the edge of the window. You can scroll the page to try to open the list in a different orientation, or you can use arrow keys to change the selection.)

ASN can edit the lists for Gender, Ethnicity, and Language. Please reach out if you can't find the option you need.

When you've made any changes you need, press Update at the top right corner of the window.