
Nonbillable Records

Click [here]( a video on Non-Billable Records Non-Billable Records Work that you do when you’re not supporting an individual, such as a group or one-on-one meeting with your division leadership, should be entered in Setworks as non-billable activity records. If you’re not sure whether something should be entered as a non-billable record, please ask your manager. The easiest way to create the record is to use the calenda...

Individual's Finances

*Pending information

Medication charting

Medication Charting in Setworks - - - - - - - - - -


Individuals' Forms - Medication Change Submission - [View on Google Drive]( or [download the PDF](

Your Setworks Profile

Your Setworks Profile Viewing Your Profile To view your profile in Setworks, click the Staff Management icon at the top right (next to your name). Your profile is visible to you, managers in your department(s), human resources, and other administrators. It is not visible to your colleagues who are not in management. Details The main page (Details) shows your personal in...

Activity Records

Activity Records Activity records in Setworks are your timesheet. They must be signed by you and your manager in order for you to be paid for the time. Most activity records also document the services we provide to individuals (these are "billable" records). They must be completed correctly before they can be signed. They are entered in Setworks as Appointments, which you will convert and fill out. For work time when you are not supporting an individual (such as meetings or one-on-one trainin...

Tasks and Expirations

There are two parts to keeping track of your required trainings and documentation in Setworks: Tasks and Expiration Fields. Tasks are the color-coded reminders that you see on your home page. Except for [Tasks With Forms](, the only thing you need to do with them is mark them complete after you've completed the training or submitted the documentation. You are NOT ...