Employee Resources

Benefits Information

Below you will find important benefit information: - The complete Arkansas Support Network Benefit Book - Accessing Ventegra Pharmacy Benefits Portal - Ventagra Pharmacy Benefits - Accessing UMR Medical Benefits Portal - Hatcher Agency Call Center Information and Hours of Operation Use the arrow at the top right to view the documents in a separate window or download them. 2025 Benefits Book Unable to display PDF file? [Download](https://www.dspsupports.org/_files/ugd/37d9ff_6d07f870b0bb405ea...


Trainings Staff are paid for required trainings. Each training on [Open Future Learning](https://sites.google.com/supports.org/asn-training-and-documentation/home/trainings/ofl?authuser=0) or a [third party site](https://sites.google.com/supports.org/asn-training-and-documentation/home/trainings/third-party-trainings?authuser=0) is paid at a flat rate (the same for all staff), which is based on the length of the training. Training done in one month is paid out on the 3rd Friday of the following...

New Hire Instructions

1. Sign in to Setworks Setworks is ASN's primary time and record-keeping system. To set up your account: - Use [this link](https://app.set-works.com/SW/Home/Home.aspx) to directly access the site (or go to setworks.com and use the Login link) - Your username is the email where you received your welcome email - Your password was sent in your welcome email - Once you're in, complete your profile details: - You need to provide at least your first and last name. This is the name that will...

Third-Party Trainings

Third-party trainings are completed on websites other than [Open Future Learning](https://sites.google.com/supports.org/asn-training-and-documentation/home/trainings/ofl?authuser=0), which means that you will have to take extra steps, such as creating an account and submitting your certificate(s) to ASN. Training email: asntraining@supports.org If you have multiple files for a specific training, please send them all in one message. https://sites.google.com/supports.org/asn-training-and-docume...

CPR & First Aid Certification

CPR & First Aid Certification All staff are required to have current CPR/AED and First Aid certification. If you've received certification elsewhere, you may be able to carry it over. ASN will accept any current Red Cross or American Heart Association certifications. If you don't have the certification, or it is expiring soon, ASN has instructors who can certify you. The following applies to either CPR or First Aid certification by itself, but most staff complete them at the same time. If your...

NWA Food Pantries

Schedule Change Form

Click the link below to access and submit a Schedule Change Form. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSewE_T2t1DFv3_Yu1XPlii0nvlrOf4XWirC0MVkk04PvxxSTw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 Watch the 2:21 minute video titled How to Fill Out a Scheule Change using Google Foms below.

2025 Pay Dates and Pay Periods

2025 Pay Dates and Pay Periods

Employee Leave Request

All leave and vacation requests should be submitted at least 10 days in advance. Unexpected absences need to be submitted on the day you return to work. Click the link below to access and submit a Leave Request Form. https://casenotes.supports.org/Forms/Leave