AR 3.1 Access to Personnel and Medical Records Files

Arkansas Support Network maintains separate medical records files and personnel files for all employees. Files containing medical records are stored separate and apart from any business-related records in a safe, locked, inaccessible location. The medical file is the repository for sensitive and confidential information related to an individual's health, health benefits, health-related leave and/or accommodations, and benefits selections and coverage. Medical records are kept confidential in compliance with applicable laws and access is on a "need-to-know" basis only.

Supervisors and others in management may have access to your personnel file for possible employment-related decisions. If you wish to review your personnel or medical records file, you must give the Company reasonable notice. Inspection must occur in the presence of a Company representative.

All requests by an outside party for information contained in your personnel file will be directed to the Human Resources Department, which is the only department authorized to give out such information.