Workers' compensation is a no-fault system designed to provide benefits to all employees for work-related injuries. Workers' compensation insurance coverage is paid for by employers and governed by state law. The workers' compensation system provides for coverage of medical treatment and expenses, occupational disability leave, and rehabilitation services, as well as payment for lost wages due to work-related injuries. If you are injured on the job while working at Arkansas Support Network, no matter how slightly, you are to report the incident immediately to your Supervisor. Consistent with applicable state law, failure to report an injury within a reasonable period of time could jeopardize your claim for benefits.
To receive workers' compensation benefits, notify your Human Resources immediately of your claim. If your injury is the result of an on-the-job accident, you must fill out an accident report and call the Company Nurse Line at 1-844-989-2166. You will be required to submit a medical release before you can return to work.