New Hire Instructions

1. Sign in to Setworks

Setworks is ASN's primary time and record-keeping system. To set up your account:


Email Verification

The second time you sign in, Setworks will attempt to verify your email by sending you a code. This lets you see that you are receiving emails correctly. Be sure to check your spam/junk folder if you don't see your code right away.

You can choose to skip the verification and continue to Setworks, but be sure to check that the email on your profile is correct.



2. Register for Open Future Learning

Create an Account

To start the process use this link, which is specific to ASN.*  When you reach the Create an Account form:

* If you worked for ASN previously and had an OFL account, please contact to have it reactivated.


You will see this message when you have successfully submitted the registration:

Account Approval

OFL sends an email to informing us of your registration. If you did not select the Supported Living group, you may be asked to re-register. 

Once your account is approved, you will receive an email with the subject line "Open Future Learning Registration Link" that looks like this:

Please be sure to check your spam or junk folder as well as your inbox. The link in the email will be unique to you.  If you have not received this message or anything from us within one business day of your registration, please reach out to the training team at the email above.


Password Creation

Using the link in the email will take you to a page where you can create your password. Once you've submitted your password, you will get a final email (which goes to both you and the training team) with the subject line "Open Future Learning Registration Complete":

See Open Future Learning for details on using the site.

3. Before You Start Work

Once you've accessed your accounts, there are a few trainings and forms you must complete before you begin work: