4.5 Paycheck Deductions

Arkansas Support Network is required by law to make certain deductions from your pay each pay period, including deductions for federal income tax, Social Security and Medicare (FICA) taxes, state income taxes, and any other deductions required under law or by court order for wage garnishments. The amount of your tax deductions will depend on your earnings and the information you list on your federal Form W-4 and applicable state withholding form. Permissible deductions for exempt employees may also include, but are not limited to, deductions for full-day absences for reasons other than sickness or disability and certain disciplinary suspensions. You may also authorize certain voluntary deductions from your paycheck where permissible under state law. Your deductions will be reflected in your wage statement.

If you have any questions about deductions from your pay, contact your Supervisor.

The Company will not make deductions to your pay that are prohibited by federal, state, or local law. Review your paycheck for errors each pay period and immediately report any discrepancies to your Supervisor.

You will be reimbursed in full for any isolated, inadvertent, or improper deductions, as defined by law. If an error is found, you will receive an immediate adjustment, which will be paid no later than your next regular payday.

The Company will not retaliate against employees who report erroneous deductions in accordance with this policy.